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Dedicated to producing top quality sport horses  

✨Sales Policy✨Our horses well being is the main priority, with the recent change in their lifestyles we do not allow any off property trials. We will do our best to set up appointments during the week and weekends for horses to be seen and tried. Please note that these horses are still very green with limited off the track rides. Please be accompanied by a trainer or experienced professional.
 Approved homes only. References required. We are first come first serve. Horses are available to be sold and will not be on hold until a vetting appointment has been confirmed by your vet or a NON REFUNDABLE deposit of $250 has been made. After a vetting, you’ll have 24 hours to review and make a decision on said horse. A deposit will hold the horse for 7 days after received. We cannot hold horses longer. They are still available to be seen with an appointment until officially sold. Our horses generally don’t stick around long before finding their new homes. With this high demand, we do our best to accommodate everyone and find our horses top notch homes tailored to their individual needs. Once a sale has been made official, we allow 7 days of free board to arrange shipping. Anything additional will be prorated at $40/day.

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